The Church with the Red Doors and Warm Hearts!
To celebrate and act upon our privilege and responsibility of bringing people closer to Jesus Christ.
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, the form one body...So it is with Christ. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it."
1st Corinthians 12:12, 27
God's Word reminds us that we are one family in Christ. As members of the body of Christ, we love and care for one another. Every single one of us can reach out to someone of our congregation or community.
Prayer is a significant part of our life. We "Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:15. To have your prayer requests included on the bulletin, use the contact us form on this website or call the church office. Anonymous prayers may be submitted. Your prayer request will be kept confidential.
Christian Education:
Members study together in many ways. Several Sunday School classes meet on Sunday.
Children's Sunday School
Children's Sunday School meets the first and third Sunday each month. The children attend the 10:00 worship service through the choir anthem and then proceed to Sunday School.
Adult Sunday School
An adult Sunday School class meets every Sunday. This class follows a Bible based Adult study titled "The Present Word". All are welcome to join as we study The God of the Bible, the source of creation, our call through faith to worship and so much more.
The Circle
The Circle is a ladies Bible Study group which meets on Sunday mornings from 9-9:30. They are currently using the "Well-Watered Woman" as a guide for scripture and prayer, and welcome women of all ages to join!
Wednesday Morning:
Members and friends gather around the table next door at the Steck House (an adjoining property dedicated to use for community projects) for midweek conversation and devotions, sharing whatever goodies they may have available at the time. The door is open and coffee is ready at 9 am, but you may drop in any time it is convenient until about 11 am.
First Sunday Lunch:
The Fellowship Committee plans a meal for lunch usually on the first Sunday of each month, sometimes with special theme. Attendees bring a "covered dish" to share, but if you forget there is always plenty to eat! Committee supplies drinks and place settings, and sometimes the Main Dish. Plans are announced ahead of time.
